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Introduction to Electric Circuits
editor NETTUNO Editorial Board
responsible Prof. Luciano De Menna – Università di Napoli FEDERICO II - Italy
content realization Prof. Luciano De Menna
technical realization Dr. F. Pietrafesa, Mr. A. de Peppo, Mr. R. De Menna, Mr. M. Tomacelli
lesson 1 Introduction
Coulomb's law
Voltage difference

lesson 20 Introduction to circuit with temporal dyanmics
Ordinary differential equations
Exercises - part 1

lesson 21 Free evolution of first order circuits
Second order ciruit: the dumped case
Exercises - part 2

lesson 22 Free evolution of a second order circuit: the oscillatory case
Initial conditions for the second order circuits
Exercises - part 3

lesson 23 Forced evolution of a first orde circuit
Forced evolution of a second order circuit
Non constant sources
Exercises - part 4

lesson 24 The electric sources
The RL circuit with sinusoidal source
The phasorial method

This content has been produced or adapted by Università di Napoli FEDERICO II- NETTUNO technological pole
with the European Union financial support within the IST 5th Framework Program GUARDIANS project.